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PRINT CHINA 2019 International exhibition
We Pressio Japan and our Chinese business partner participated in this international exhibition [ CHINA PRINT 2019 ] from 9th until 13th April 2019.
Today, I would like to share with you all our customers and business partners about the details as follows.
 Print China in Guangdong
 Print China in Guangdong
 Print China in Guangdong
 Print China in Guangdong
First of all, we would like to express our appreciation deeply to the all visitors who kindly dropped in at our booth.
We were highly delighted that you were interested in our products.
Also, we thank you all our China partners, for showing and suggesting our products. 
As we had expected, a lot of domestic visitors came to our booth, and they almost said that they had never seen a similar type of collator before.
Sorry, our marketing activities and promotions seems not to be adequate... we will make the best efforts more.
We introduced the domestic visitors some of our customer's cases in China.
( Refer to Customer's case study )
They are well known as one of biggest printing companies in the world, thus visitors seemed to be interested in their case.
Please take a look at the following points.
1- Pressio collator is adaptable to [ signature, booklet, folded paper, and matt coated paper etc ] .
        Customers can adjust a dial at each bin (tray) of our collator by dial anytime,
        thus even if different kinds and sizes of applications are set,
        our collator will definitely work properly.
        And anytime we can change the sample and can adjust the dial easily.
        That's why our customers are almost very satisfied with the flexibility
        and the user-friendliness.
        Also, our customers has not complained since the machine had been installed,
        thus visitors were surprised at the our higher durability as well.

        Some visitors were concerned if their applications would be damaged on the surface by
        our friction paper feeding system. 
        But no worries, we’ve improved the friction feeding system for many years to minimize the
        possibility that the damages will happen. 
        ( Actually we applied for air saction feeding system as well roughly 10 years ago, but, you
          know, air saction system can not work properly for folded paper and signature.... 
          Hence, we improved our own paper friction system. )
2- Pressio collator is very suitable for calendar samples too.
        I suppose our collator was very attractive for visitors whose applications are calendar. 
        It's maybe because some conventional collators can not work for calendar smoothly.
        However, there are not either damages, scratches, or errors for a calendar paper
        by our collator. Of course, it's very seldom that paper jam, double feeding occurs.
        Even if the errors happened, our collator will stop automatically by a special sensor.
3- The high speed processing.
        Honestly speaking, this feature seemed to be most attractive for visitors.
        The maximum processing speed is around 8,400 sets collated per hour, and 
        in Japan case, the processing speed is about 5,000 or 6,000 sets per hour on average.
        Also, our collator has [ non-stop operating function ].
        If your lead time were quite tight, maybe you should have tried our machine.
        We can assure you that you will be surprised and will apply for our collator.
        ( Refer to : Non-stop operation function )
Of course Pressio collator still has a lot of other fascinating features more, if you're interested, 
Refer to our collator introduction page on this website.
And please don't forget Pressio wrapping machine as well.
Refer to our wrapping machine introduction page on this website.
Print China 2019 was also really successful.
I would like to express my deep thanks feeling again to all visitors, all our business partners, and all staff of the management office in Print China 2019.
I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Kenta Kanamori from Pressio Japan.  on 22rd April 2019
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