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Advantages and disadvantages compared to conventional machines | Pressio collator

Writer: Pressio・Kenta KanamoriPressio・Kenta Kanamori

Updated: Oct 15, 2020

We are honestly showing all information about the advantages and the disadvantages of Pressio collating machine compared to other conventional collators.

It's because we also recognize any product has the advantages and the disadvantages at the same time.

We don't either feel like telling any lies, or concealing our disadvantages to you.

We really hope that you can judge whether or not, our Pressio collator is suitable with your business through this blog.

< The Advantages >


#1 : Adaptable to various applications, especially to folded shapes and multiple papers

The samples which conventional collators can not work well for are also no issue with Pressio collator.

Particularly lots of customers make use of Pressio collator for catalog, leaflet, pamphlet, multiple flyer, letter fold sample etc.

Of course, ordinary applications like NCR, calendar, post card are also no issue.

Also the available sample size is as follows,

the minimum : 100 × 148mm / 3.9 × 5.8 inch

the maximum : 340 × 450mm / 13.3 × 17.7 inch

Please refer to the Youtube video as below.


#2 : High speed collating

The collating speed is as follows,

the average : 5,700 sets per hour

the maximum : 8,400 sets per hour

We often suggest the average speed, because there are few errors and your operators can add (refill) your samples on tray smoothly.


#3 : Non-stop-operating

When your operators add (refill) your samples on the tray, there is no need to stop the machine.

Therefore you can reduce the collating lead-time really dramatically.

Please refer to the Youtube video as follows,


#4 : Front and Rear both side tray | Vertical type ( Save your space )

Pressio collator has the trays on the both sides, front and rear, and it's a vertical type.

Hence the product doesn't take so much space.

You can save your space.


#5 : Able to start operating easily and quickly

Basically we can start operating Pressio collator immediately after the switch on.

Also, if the application is not changed, you no need to adjust collating conditions so strictly.

( Of course even elderly people or students also can adjust the collating conditions. )


#6 : Easy maintenance

There are only 3 consumption parts with Pressio collator, and basically the maintenance is just to replace the consumption parts.

There are very few troubles except for the consumption parts.

Please refer to [ About maintenance ]


#7 : Able to move the machine

When you don't use Pressio collator, you are able to move the machine to your warehouse so easily.

Even one worker can handle it easily.

You can make the best use of your space.


#8 : Folding paper function

Pressio collator can fold one main paper and insert the other all samples set into the folded main paper.

The red circle : folded main paper.

Available size of folding paper :

A4 size = 210 × 297mm (8.3 × 11.7 inch)

A3 size = 297 × 420mm (11.7 × 16.5 inch)

< The Disadvantages >


#1 : Standalone machine ( only collating function )

Unfortunately Pressio collator is standalone type, so it doesn't have any other functions such as stapling, gluing etc.

It's more focused on adapting various applications and heavy duty collating jobs.


#2 : Not including movable catch tray ( which can separate each collated set )

Unfortunately Pressio collator doesn't have " movable catch tray ", so the each collated sample sets will just pile up on the catch tray.

Because we place importance in the collating speed more, so we have not applied for this function to Pressio collator.

However, we understand that some customers require this function, so we often suggest following solution instead.

*Remark :

If the width size of your sample is around 440mm ( 17.3 inch ), this solution can not be applied, because the sample can not be slide left ( or right ) on purpose.

Or if you can use the folding function, the each collated sample set will be separated.

Please refer to the following Youtube video.


Hence, if you needed an all-in-one-line machine including collating, stapling or gluing, and cutting, it might be better to consider other brand machines.

However, if your machine or conventional machines can not work properly for your sample, it might be better to consider Pressio collator.

Also, if you could share with us about the details of your samples, we would be able to conduct an experiment with your actual sample of other similar sample in our factory, and to report back to you.

< Pressio collator >

Also, we Pressio would like to suggest the affordable model collator which is 6 bins and 8 bins, if the number of your sample is not many.

No worries, we have 11 bins, 15 bins, 17 bins, 19 bins, 21 bins, 23 bins, and 25 bins as well.

It really depends on your needs.

< Affordable model Pressio collator >

If you are interested, please feel free to ask us via our website or WhatsApp as follows,

< Contact Us >

< WhatsApp >

+81 1558 9116


I look forward to receiving a lot of inquires from you, our future business partners and customers.

Have a beautiful day again today you all too.

For the better future of printing, logistics, newspaper, wrapping, and other industries.

Kenta Kanamori from Pressio


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