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IGAS International graphic arts show Tokyo 2018
We Pressio participated in this international exhibition [ IGAS2018 in Tokyo ] with our Singaporean colleague during 26th until
31st in July 2018.
Today, I would like to share with you all our customers and business partners about the details as follows.

First of all, I would like to say thank you all who kindly dropped in at our booth on IGAS2018.
We would be delight that you were interested in our products.
Also, I thank you, Jimmy San, my Singaporean colleague for your solid support on IGAS2018.
Even this exhibition was held in Tokyo Japan and there were a lot of Japanese visitors though, it seemed that our booth was popular among international visitors.
We couldn't have imagined this situation beforehand, thus our staff members might not be able to correspond well you.
If that's the case, we would appreciate it if you could contact us again via this website.
On this IGAS2018, we showed our new design collator whose color is white and the prototype of new wrapping machine for A4 size.
It seemed that many visitors were quite interested in the products, thus I would like to share with you all what kind of features were attractive for visitors as below,
1- Pressio collator is available for [ folded paper, signature, booklet, sticker etc ] at the same time.
Unfortunately, many conventional collators are not adaptable to folded paper, signature,
booklet and sticker etc.
However our Pressio collator is totally available for the above applications.
Currently, the lead-time has become tight gradually on printing industry as well,
thus if you still collated your applications by manually, it might be better to consider
whether to use our collator.
No worries, our collator is very flexible and user-friendly.
2- Pressio collator offers you Non stop operating and saving your space.
Unlike conventional collators, there is no need to stop the operating when to refill your
samples on our Pressio collator.
It means that customers will be able to reduce the lead-time.
Also, unlike conventional collators, our Pressio collator has the stages on the both sides.
For instance, if it's the 2100TZ, it has 11 bins on the front side and 10 bins on the rear side.
There is no need to prepare [ 2 towers collator ], thus customers will be able to save the
space and the costs in the end.
3- The Prototype of wrapping machine for A4 size.
Actually this prototype machine was also quite popular among international visitors.
Now we're still improving this machine and planning to launch asap.
Please refer to the detail informations including youtube videos as follows,
[ Special wrapping machine for A4 size ]
Actually we're improving this machine available for A3 size as well.
Thus if you install this new machine, you will able to wrap A4 and A3 size by one machine.
And besides, there is no need to exchange the plastic film.
Wonderful, isn't it ?
Of course Pressio collator still has a lot of other fascinating features more, if you're interested,
Refer to our collator introduction page on this website.
And please don't forget Pressio wrapping machine as well.
Refer to our wrapping machine introduction page on this website.
IGAS2018 International Graphic Arts Show was also really successful.
I would like to express my deep thanks feeling again to all visitors, all colleagues staff members, all staff of the management office in IGAS2018 and,,,,,,,,, especially our overseas colleagues, customers and agents, Jimmy San, Erwin San and Wu San.
I look forward to seeing you all again soon.
Kenta Kanamori from Pressio Japan. on 7h August 2018
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