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Our customers

Collator for NCR (Carbonless Copy Paper) / Printing company

collator fo NCR

In the show-room of Pressio ASIA in Singapore, we did the demonstration of our Collator 2100TZ-SC for CCP( Carbonless Copy Paper) with our customer in Singapore by using their actual samples.

Even though they used our collator for the first time, they became used to it soon.

( Actually our machine is very easy to operate and can correspond to English and Chinese.)

For the amount of 20,000 sets, we were able to collate ( gather /...

Wrapping machine for Newspapers / Newspaper company

wrapping machine for newspaper

They are one of large newspapers companies in Victoria Australia.

We deeply appreciate them for contacting us firstly via our website.

Even though they had never actually seen and confirmed the performance of our wrapping machine RV-8 in advance, they decided to choose our RV-8. Thanks so much!

I heard that they would like to wrap their high-class newspaper by plastic film in order to build an excellent brand image.

( They us...

Collator for Booklet and stickers / Printing company

collator for book and sticker

They are one of global scale printing companies in Guangzhou China.
We deeply appreciate them tor contacting us first via our website.

They are actually famous among Japanese companies as well, hence we’re honor that they’re using our machine while feeling higher satisfaction.

Their operators are all of course Chinese people, thus we prepared for the operation and maintenance manuals in Mandarin Chinese beforehand.

Affordable Collator for NCR (Carbonless Copy Paper) / Printing company

Affordable collator for NCR

Firstly, they didn’t plan to purchase our collator, but after our demonstration,

they could understand our product features ( compared to other conventional ones ) and decided to install our collator for their important projects.


( Actually the affordable price of 800TZ-SH also seemed to be attractive to them. )

No worries, this 800TZ-SH is our affordable model, but it still has same fascinating features of our higher models in 800TZ-SH as well.

Collator for Calendar / Printing company

Collator for calendar

It’s said that they are handling many varieties of printing projects always, thus they chose Pressio collator. 

It’s because our collator is adaptable for many kinds of papers ( different sizes, different materials and different shapes) . 

However, for now they are using our collator for their calendar projects.

Their operators had already operated other conventional collator previously, so it was quite easy to get used to our collator as well.

Collator for Red Packet ( like envelope) / Printing company

Collator for small envelope

Frankly speaking, when I saw the actual samples of a red packet, I felt it would be so difficult to collate…. 

However, our Pressio collator could work properly in the end.

As we know, Pressio collator is really adaptable for many applications…

Even though in the case when we use conventional collator, some paper jams will tend to happen, however there could be no paper jams on Pressio collator.

Therefore, our customer was also astonished at the demonstration and they said, “ I could not imagine that this red packet would be able to collated by machinery…. “ 

Collator for NCR (Carbonless Copy Paper) / Printing company

Affordable collator for NCR

They are one of well-known printing companies in Manila Philippines, and they are our first customer in Philippines.

Thus when our collator was installed to their factory, our technician and I visited them to support the installation and the machine training.

Even it was for the first time to use our machine on collating, their operators really got used to it so easily..... it needed for 2 days only.


Collator for Flyer and Catalog / Printing company

Affordable collator for flyer and pamphlet

They are well-known local printing companies in Kuala Lumpur Malaysia, and they are our first customer in Kuala Lumpur.

And besides, their main application is flyer and catalog, you know, our main target in Japan is also flyer, thus our technician and I visited their factory to support their installation and machine trainings. 

As I had expected, our collator was able to work properly for their applications,


Collator for Small notebook / Printing company

Collator for small book

They are very well known as one of big printing companies in China, and they’re already familiar with many kinds of printing operations including collating job of course.

Actually when we participated in IGAS 2018 ( International Graphic Arts Show 2018 ) at Tokyo in July, they kindly drooped in at our booth and became keen on our collator.

As I had expected, our collator was able to work properly for their applications,


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