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Collator for Small notebook / Printing company
December 10th, 2018 | Written by Kenta Kanamori

They are very well known as one of big printing companies in China, and they’re already familiar with many kinds of printing operations including collating job of course.

Actually when we participated in IGAS 2018 ( International Graphic Arts Show 2018 ) at Tokyo in July, they kindly drooped in at our booth and became keen on our collator.

They said that they had already checked other brands’ collators but Pressio collator was the best for them.

Around one month later, they kindly placed an order of our latest 25 bins(trays) collator.


They are a huge printing company, so they have many kinds of applications, but they would like to use our collator for small notebook collating mainly.

Of course no problem, our collator is adaptable for many kinds of applications such as signature, booklet, coated paper, sticker, folded paper, calendar, and NCR etc.

They also had already understood that, thus they decided to purchase our collator.


Please take a look at the photos.


Our technician and staff members of our agent in China visited their factory to support them to install our machine and offered them the machine training.

Actually it only needed half a day to grasp and master the operation….

It means that it’s quite easy to operate our collator. 

Of course it might be because they were quite familiar with printing machines, but no worries, even if your operators were not used to it, it would only need one or two days to master.


After the main job ( small notebook ), they tried using our collator for other applications like sticker, folded paper, and NCR.

Of course there was no issue, and they were very satisfied with our collator.


Their CEO kindly said “ If you find a customer which is interested in your collator and want to check it actually, it’s okay for you to take the customer here to check some operations actually. “

We and our agent in China were quite glad to hear that, and we felt that our collator will have been useful for them surely for a long time. 



Currently our agent in China also has some demo-units in China, thus if you’re interested or if you would like to conduct an experiment for your applications actually in China, we will be able to meet your request very quickly.



Our collator is kind of vertical type, so you can save your working space. 

Also, you can put is aside when you don’t use our collator, and you can start operating it very quickly and easily again, moreover, our collator is available for many kinds of applications.

I’m understanding that this is the very most attractive feature for them.

They are a big company, so of course they already have some big all-in-one-lines, but the big lines are not flexible to change applications basically.

Even though our collator is a stand-alone type, it’s kind of “ flexible collator for high-mix low-volume operations “ .

It means that the feature is quite suitable for digital printing jobs.

Are there any reasons which you won’t apply for our collator?

If you are keen on our Pressio collator, please feel free to contact to us. 

Refer to our products on this website.


collator for small notebook
collator for small notebook
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