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Affordable Collator for NCR
Printing company
September 28, 2017 | Written by Kenta Kanamori

Firstly, they didn’t plan to purchase our collator, but after our demonstration,

they could understand our product features ( compared to other conventional ones )

and decided to install our collator for their important projects.
( Actually the affordable price of 800TZ-SH also seemed to be attractive to them. )


No worries, this 800TZ-SH is our affordable model,

but it still has same fascinating features of our higher models in 800TZ-SH as well.


They had already used an another conventional collator, thus the workers got used to Pressio collator so easily.

Compared to the conventional machine, they shared with me about the features of Pressio collator.

In fact, they seemed to be very surprised by our collator.

1- “ It’s quite impressive that there is no need to stop the machine, when we refill papers. “
       Actually, I saw that they had some troubles to refill papers on the conventional one previously,

       thus I understood their feelings. 

2- “ The processing speed is extremely amazing!  we couldn’t imagine we would be able to finish collating 50,000 sets for one           and a half days alone… “ 
       Actually, many of our customers have the same feedback every time, when they use our collator for the first time.

3- “ There are no errors and there are no scratches on the surface. “ 
       Even many of potential customers are concerned about the issues beforehand, but there is actually no need to worry.


And I heard, they planed to use our collator for other applications as well such as stickers etc. 
Of course, there is totally no problem. 
Our collator is aimed for heavy users like them.


I always explain potential customers that if they install our collator, they won’t need to purchase other collators anymore, because our collator can be adaptable for all your projects by one Pressio collator. 


We’re also really happy that you’e been satisfied with our machine.

If you would like to try our Pressio’s paper sorting machine, please feel free to contact to us. 

Refer to our products on this website.


affordable collator for NCR
affordable collator for NCR
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