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CHINA PRINT in Beijing 2017
We Pressio joined this international exhibition [ CHINA PRINT in Beijing 2017 ] with our Chinese agent and Singapore business partner during 9th until 13rd in May 2017.
Today, I would like to share with you all our customers and business partners as follows.
China print 2017
China print 2017
China print 2017
China print 2017
Thanks to the strong support of our Chinese agent and Pressio ASIA PTE LTD, we were able to participate in this very nice exhibition.
Like these photos, our booth was really popular among publishers, printing companies and potential distributors as well.
First of all, I would like to express my thanks feeling to our partners.
Thank you so much, Jimmy San, Don San, Terasaki San, Wang San and Huo San!
Frankly speaking, I could have not imagined that such a many visitors would come to our booth and become interested in our products.
As we know, Chinese market is still growing up and very attractive.
In fact, our Pressio products seemed to be much attractive to many visitors, especially to many potential distributors from all over the world.
I'm very happy that such a many visitors were interested in our products.
Today, I would like to share with you what kind of features were attractive to many visitors on our products as below,
1- Pressio collator is available to NCR and flyers, and it can make Outer Jacket ( Paper wrapper ) at the same time.
        Currently, many of companies are collating some individual flyers by manually, because 
        a conventional collator can NOT work properly for flyers.
        ( Double feeding or Paper Jam often happens by the conventional ones unfortunately...)
        However, Pressio collator can be available to flyers as well, and besides, our collator
        can make Outer Jacket at the same time.
        Through our demonstrations, many visitors could understand our machine more detail,
        and seemed to come up with their new business ideas by using our collator.
2- Hight speed and easy to operate the collator and wrapping machines.
        Some visitors were concerned about the processing speed and the difficulties of
        the operation
        However, through our demonstration, all visitors could recognize that there was no need 
        to worry about that.   Actually a cute child ( visitor ) operated our wrapping machine with 
        charming smile, it means even small children also can operate our machines very easily.
3- Pressio wrapping machine can wrap newspapers or magazines with a free sample.
        Through this feature, we will be able to build a new marketing service
        Actually, many visitors related to an advertising field and publishing field became
        interested in this unique feature.  
Of course Pressio still has a lot of other fascinating features more, if you're interested, 
Refer to our collator introduction page on this website.
Refer to our wrapping machine introduction page on this website.
We Pressio prepares many line-up of products, we could offer most suitable product for each customer depending on the each of you.
CHINA PRINT 2017 was really successful for us.
I would like to express my deep thanks feeling again to all visitors, all our partners.
Thanks again, Jimmy San, Don San, Terasaki San, Wang San, and Huo San! 
Kenta Kanamori from Pressio Japan.  on 15th May 2017
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