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Pressio is a Japanese manufacturer of collator and flat wrapping machine since 1952.

~ For printing, logistics, delivery, newspapers, wrapping, plastic, and other industries ~

Sorting machine / collator : model TZ-SC

Pressio collator can work properly for  various samples,

such as NCR, calendar, signature, book, catalog, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, sticker, folded paper,flyer, post card, and newspaper too.

Also, you can make use of Pressio collator as an insertion machine too.

Click to the details

Flat wrapping machine : model RV-8

Pressio wrapping machine can wrap newspapers, magazines, catalog,

and leaflets by semi-transparent plastic film very quickly and easily.

It's so effective for the water-proof, branding, protection from dusty etc.

Some confidential documents can be also wrapped. 

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Pressio collator

Pressio collator

Pressio collator
1100TZ with external lifter(ACT-UP)
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1100TZ with external lifter(ACT-UP)

Collator for booklets and folded papers
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Collator for booklets and folded papers

Small collator / for printing, logistics, delivery, courier, distribution, and newspaper, DM
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Small collator / for printing, logistics, delivery, courier, distribution, and newspaper, DM

Newspaper insert with flyer (Outer Jacket )
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Newspaper insert with flyer (Outer Jacket )

Collator for DM, catalog, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, book, signature, magazine, folded shape etc
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Collator for DM, catalog, pamphlet, brochure, leaflet, book, signature, magazine, folded shape etc

Collator / Sorting machine for A5 size by Pressio
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Collator / Sorting machine for A5 size by Pressio

Paper collator / Paper sorting machine for NCR, CCP ( Carbonless Copy Paper ), Bill paper too.
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Paper collator / Paper sorting machine for NCR, CCP ( Carbonless Copy Paper ), Bill paper too.

Paper collator / Paper sorting machine / for calendar, desk calendar
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Paper collator / Paper sorting machine / for calendar, desk calendar

Paper collator / sorting machine / for individual paper ( DM, sticker, post card, calendar etc)
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Paper collator / sorting machine / for individual paper ( DM, sticker, post card, calendar etc)

Paper collator / sorting machine / for flyer, DM, leaflet, pamphlet, catalog, folded paper, book
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Paper collator / sorting machine / for flyer, DM, leaflet, pamphlet, catalog, folded paper, book

Paper Collator / Paper Sorting machine by Pressio
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Paper Collator / Paper Sorting machine by Pressio

[ Introduction Video ] Paper Collator / Paper Sorting machine by Pressio
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[ Introduction Video ] Paper Collator / Paper Sorting machine by Pressio

Pressio flat wrapping machine

Pressio flat wrapping machine

Pressio flat wrapping machine
RV-8 for normal condition
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RV-8 for normal condition

RV-8 for thick papers ( thickness is around 25mm)
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RV-8 for thick papers ( thickness is around 25mm)

Wrapping machine for A4 size magazines ( Prototype) -2
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Wrapping machine for A4 size magazines ( Prototype) -2

Wrapping machine for A4 size paper -1
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Wrapping machine for A4 size paper -1

Flat wrapping for magazine and book with one side opened by plastic film
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Flat wrapping for magazine and book with one side opened by plastic film

RV-9 for normal condition
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RV-9 for normal condition

Case study  ~ improvement for your operation or new business opportunity ~
picture of our client

Thanks to the flexible features of our collator and wrapping machine,

our customers have been making use of our products for various business services on 

a lot of industries.

We believe, our products would be helpful for improving your business operation and

for finding new business opportunities of yours.

Information of exhibitions 

IGAS 2018 in JAPAN

We will introduce our paper sorting machine / collator (2100TZ-SC ) ,

wrapping machines ( RV-8).


Our booth location : Hall No.1 1-32. 


We will introduce our wrapping machines ( RV-8 ).


Our booth location : Hall No.5 5-05. 


スクリーンショット 2019-03-01 12.04.27(2)_edited.

We will introduce our paper sorting machine / collator (2100TZR-SH ) ,

wrapping machines ( RV-8 for A4 size).


Our booth location : Hall No.1  Booth No.1053 

For our potential business partners  
potential business partner

We Pressio strongly hope that we will build and keep the wonderful business collaboration.

We look forward to exploring in your markets together.

We promise, we will keep on offering you the solid supports. 

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us 

- Regarding the price, maintenance, features, durability, etc.

- Demonstration with your actual samples

We reply you about your kind inquiry very quickly.

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